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This is an invitation to attend and also a request for support with the fundraising for the 2017 Australian National Convention which is being hosted by the North Eastern Region next July in Cairns.

We have received pledges and donations from local, district and area levels so far. Some groups have foregone their donations to District/CSO etc. to make a one-time pledge or donation, other groups have organised fundraising events and donated the revenue that this produced. The Convention belongs to the whole fellowship of Australia and so we would like all groups to show their support.

With so many generous groups nationwide, even seemingly small donations quickly accumulate. Would you please pass this information through your area and district structures so that it reaches every home-group. It is a suggestion that each home-group makes a one off pledge, donation we are now exactly 12 months out.

Donate directly to:
2017 National Convention
BSB 034-241
Account 405418

Yours in fellowship

2017 Host Planning Committee


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