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AA members and groups in Australia have an opportunity to put forward suggestions, known as Topics, to be considered for inclusion on the agenda of the Australian General Service Conference being held in Sydney in November 2016. The theme of the conference being : A Design for Living.

The Topic Form provides guidance for the development and formatting of a suggestion as a Topic. Whilst Topic Forms may be submitted to the National Office, Area E is holding an Area Assembly on 28 May. This will provide an opportunity for proposed Topics to be discussed by representatives of all the groups and may include suggestions for fine tuning a Topic for submission.

Members and groups who wish to have their Topic discussed at the Area E Assembly are requested to fill in the Topic Form and e-mail a copy to the Area E Secretary – –  prior to 27 May.

In Service.

John B

Area E Delegate.

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Alcoholics Anonymous Area E Committee

Minutes of Meeting: Tuesday, 5th April 2016 @ 7:30 PM

Chair:             Andrew I (RtR Kirribilli Fri PM)


Michael             (RtR Kirribilli Fri PM)

Christopher       (RtR Kirribilli Fri PM)

John                 (Seaforth Tue PM)

John R              (Narrabeen Thu AM)

John G

Anna                 (Dee Why Thu PM)

Rosemary         (RtR North Syd Tue PM)

Rowena            (Seaforth Tue PM & Dee Why B’fast)

Garry                (Gordon Mon PM)

Mike                 (RtR Kirribilli Fri PM)

Darren              (RtR Kirribilli Fri PM)

Ben                  (Epping Mon PM & Thu PM)

BJ                    (Mosman Mon PM)



Lachlan B          (Royal North Shore Thu PM)

Peter                (North Sydney Mon PM)


Meeting Opened:                07:30pm

12 Traditions Read By:     Garry (Gordon Mon PM)

Previous Minutes:              Accepted


Action Item Description Owner Due Status
20160405.1 Looking at integrating articles with mail chimp to eliminate the double handling. Lachlan B 20160504 New
20160405.2 Setup email addresses for all position holders and update mailchimp configuration. Lachlan B 20160504 New
20160405.3 Area Survey to put added to the website Andrew 20160415 New
20160405.4 Area Committee Members to complete Area Survey which should be on the website. ALL 20160420 New
20160405.5 Topics for Conference – Guidance material of how to compose and submit a topic to be put on the website Andrew 20160504 New
20160405.6 Area D Sept Forum: Determine a session and panel our area can hold at the forum. Anna 20160504 New
20160405.7 Create a guideline and add it to the website outlining the difference between a group and a meeting Garry 20160504 New
20160405.8 Create a guideline and add to the website outlining the policy on Dogs at Meetings John R 20160504 New
20160405.9 Organise an assembly for 28th May to discuss topics for conference Anna, John, Andrew 20160504 New
20160307.3 Peter to talk to GSO to determine the amount the Area has donated as it is currently not clear. Peter 20160405


In Progress
20160307.4 Andrew, Rowena, John (Narrabeen) to review the GSR flyer with the view of possibly making it more appealing.  Currently there is thought that the flyer is great but does have a few too many words hence turning people off reading it Andrew, Rowena,

John (Narrabeen)



In Progress
20160307.5 Andrew to outline all Area E meeting dates so it is clear for everyone. Andrew 20160405 Completed
20160307.6 Andrew to check with the office that the Area E meeting dates don’t conflict with any office meetings. Andrew 20160405 Completed
20160307.1 John to send current material involving the movie screenings to Rosemary. John (Seaforth) 20160405 Completed
20160307.2 Peter to donate $1000 to the Fiji Convention. Peter 20160405 Completed


Chairman’s Report: Andrew

High on his agenda are the 3 Area Forums to be held this year and what we are going to do for each of them.

PI Report: Position Vacant

A report was not tabled.

  • John G volunteered for PI and was voted into the position.
  • John (Seaforth) will pass all the relevant PI material onto John (Narrabeen).
  • The first PI activity for this year has been organised. On the 28th April John R and 2 speakers from Al-Anon will be speaking with North Shore Hospital staff.

 Treasurer’s Report: Peter (Not present – sent apology)

A report was not tabled.

  • $1000 donation was paid for the Fiji Conventions.
  • The Area E account balance is currently $3,991.18.

 Delegate’s Report: John

  • Fiji Convention was very successful. John read an email outlining how successful it was and the lives that were touched.  Everyone came to give and give they did.  178 attended including 40 Al-Anon.
  • Fiji Convention – The monetary support from AA Australia allowed for busses to be provided for transport.
  • Fiji Convention – John has asked Tracy from Frenchs Forest Group to provide a report to be published in the Area Link Letter.
  • ACTION ITEM: A survey is required to be completed by the Area Committee by 20th April that asks questions about the compositions of the groups in the area. Andrew is to put the survey on the website.
  • ACTION ITEM: Topics for Conference are required to be composed, discussed, and submitted by 24th Andrew to put on the website guidance of how to put together a topic and the vetting process.
  • ACTION ITEM: Area D is to hold a forum on the 24th September and they have requested if we would like to hold a session with a panel with a particular topic is discussed. The Area E Alternate Delegate, Anna, will co-ordinate this activity.
  • Advised the committee of the e-mail received from AA NSW Service Council. The Area E committee re-affirmed the view ‘That Area E has no opinion in relation to service entities that operate outside of the General Service Structure of AA Australia’.”

Alternate Delegate Report: Anna

A report was not tabled.

 Group Liaison Report: Michael

There wasn’t anything to report hence a report was not tabled.

 Web Master Report: Lachlan B

  • Area E Website
  • Jan and March Minutes have been added to the website as well as emailed out to the members through our Mail-chimp service.
  • The latest mail-chimp usage report is attached so you can review how our emails are being read.
  • The last email about the Jan minutes was read by 42% of our 111 subscribers. The average across all our emails is 37% open rate.
  • ACTION ITEM: Looking at integrating articles with mailchimp to eliminate the double handling.
  • ACTION ITEM: Setup email addresses for all position holders and update mailchimp configuration.

GSR Reports:

  • Rowena: Seaforth flourishing since the South Pacific bus is bringing people
  • Rowena: Dee Why Breakfast Meeting is well attended every day except Sunday.
  • Rowena: Rowena is chairing the GC’s for the next 6 months. They have a GC on the 3rd week of each month and have introduced some templates and processes to create more structure. Since this has happened things have settled down.
  • Ben: Epping – At the last GC it was decided the group will travel once a month to a different meeting needing support. Their meetings are well attended with about 20 people.
  • BJ: The 2 groups BJ represents haven’t had a GSR.
  • BJ: Since Mosman Monday night changed it’s time to 06:30 it has really revived the meeting. They have about 20 attending but not always the same people and members are increasing.
  • BJ: The Mosman Wednesday night mens group at 6pm is up and down ranging from 10 to 20 people.
  • Garry: Gordon Monday nights is well attended and run well. Approx 15 but last night had 40 due to another group visiting.
  • Garry: They only have a GC every 3 months but think they need one every month to stay in line with the Area activities.
  • John: Narrabeen Thursday night Steps Meeting is going well with a core of 12 to 15.
  • Anna: Dee Why Thursday 7pm is going well. They have created a greeter position and introduced pamphlets into the library.
  • Christopher: RtR Tuesday and Friday are both going well. They are celebrating their 13th Anniversary this weekend with a sponsorship forum. They have a GSC that meets regularly to determine actions to take to help the still suffering alcoholic.
  • David: Chatswood Sunday has a good balance of maturity and experience and attracts newcomers. Very fulfilling to be a member of this group.  There is a member 94 years old with 50 years of sobriety who has had a heart attack.  Members visit him in hospital to read the daily reflections.


General Business:


  • Garry: It would be beneficial to create a guideline and add to the website outlining the difference between a meeting and a group. ACTION ITEM: Garry to create a guideline.
  • John R: Dogs at meetings. AA insurance does not cover incidents that involve dogs at meetings.  It is definitive and if something does happen it is the secretary and the GC that is liable.  ACTION ITEM: John R to put together a guideline.
  • Anna: Suggested the topic of Concepts for Area D Forum in September.
  • ACTION ITEM: Andrew, John (PI) and Anna to organise an Assembly for the 28th May to discuss potential topics for conference. We need to obtain topics from the groups which can be submitted via the website.


NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 04th May at 07:30

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Alcoholics Anonymous Area E Committee

Minutes of Meeting: Monday, 7th March 2016 @ 7:30 PM

Chair:             Andrew I (RtR)


Michael             (RtR)

John                 (Seaforth Tue PM)

Peter                (North Sydney Mon PM)

John                 (Narrabeen Thu AM)

Lachlan B          (Royal North Short Thu PM)

Anna                 (Dee Why Thu PM)

Hayden             (RtR)

Rosemary         (RtR)

Rowena            (Seaforth Tue PM & Dee Why B’fast)


Apologies:                            Nil

Meeting Opened:                07:30pm

12 Traditions Read By:     Peter

Previous Minutes:              Not tabled as still to be produced.

Chairman’s Report: Andrew

Andrew very honoured to be in the role.

PI Report: Position Vacant

A report was not tabled.

  • John (Seaforth) suggested giving consideration to having a PI Committee of up to 3 people.
    • The committee would be a sub-committee of this Area Committee.
    • The AA.Service.ORG Website overviews PI activity suggestions.
  • Lachlan stressed that the person leading the committee should have 2 to 3 years sobriety as they are the public face.
  • Andrew called for volunteers.
  • Peter suggested GSR’s to ask groups for volunteers.
  • John (Seaforth) overviewed the first activity the PI Committee could action, as quite a bit of investigation has already been performed. It involves organising the screening of AA videos at movie theatres.  There are 5 available.  The rates are $280 for a 30sec video for 1 week.  Someone would need to talk to Val Morgan to proceed.
  • ACTION ITEM: John to send current material involving the movie screenings to Rosemary.

Treasurer’s Report: Peter


  • Peter has rolled the balances over from the previous year.
  • Contributions entirely come from the 7th
  • Paid 2nd Conference Levy to send a delegate to the conference each year.
  • Motion Tabled: We send $1000 to the Fiji Convention. MOTION PASSED
  • ACTION ITEM: Peter to donate $1000 to the Fiji Convention.
  • ACTION ITEM: Peter to talk to GSO to determine the amount the Area has donated as it is currently not clear.

Delegate’s Report: John


  • John tabled the form to obtain the Area Office Bearers name and address details.
  • The Area Eastern Region Forum is in September and John stressed that it is really important that we attend. Each Area should support each other’s forums.
  • John raised obtaining from GSR’s when their Group Conscience is held so we can line up the announcement of the forum’s to gain interest.


Alternate Delegate Report: Anna

A report was not tabled.

 Group Liaison Report: Michael


  • Michael had pamphlets made up overviewing the GSR role which he presents at various groups. They all show interest.
  • Lachlan raised we should all be spreading the message about Area and doing service.
  • All Area members are encouraged to take some of the GSR flyers and announce them to the various meetings they go to.
  • ACTION ITEM: Andrew, Rowena, John (Seaforth) to review the GSR flyer with the view of possibly making it more appealing. Currently there is thought that the flyer is great but does have a few too many words hence turning people off reading it
  • Version 1 is to be used until a possible later version is available.

 Web Master Report: Lachlan B

  • Lachlan has completed an action item of 3 years ago and setup an Area E Website
  • It has 2 sections: News and Minutes, with more to come.
  • If anyone wants to receive a newsletter they just need to go to the site and add themselves. This will put them onto Mail Chimp so they will automatically be sent any other mail outs.
  • Next steps are to automate it so any new articles are automatically emailed.
  • The Website uses WordPress and Lachlan has written an operations manual that has all the details, passwords etc It is very easy to use.
  • Lachlan suggested also setting up a FB presence.
  • Lachlan can’t commit to all of the Area E meetings – probably every 2nd.
  • The Area Secretary will be the backup Web Master.


GSR Reports:

Reports were not tabled.


 General Business: 

  • Anna – We supply 5 types of pamphlets to Brookvale Centrelink. In the past month 46 pamphlets were taken.  Nearly 10 times more than previous months.
  • Andrew nominated Rosemary to be secretary and John seconded the nomination.
  • ACTION ITEM: Andrew to outline all Area E meeting dates so it is clear for everyone.
  • ACTION ITEM: Andrew to check with the office that the Area E meeting dates don’t conflict with any office meetings.
  • It is recommended that we do 3 assemblies through the year. John needs 2 to announce the topics and then discuss and vote on the topics
  • Lachlan also wants members to think about having a social component. Lachlan has only seen events that work is ones that have a social component.  A bbq, gratitude day etc
  • John from Narrabeen raised his concern about the future and the current structure of the CSO offices. Lachlan outlined that there is currently a committee to review the current structure of which he is a member. It will be a 3 to 4year process.


NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 5th April at 07:30

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Alcoholics Anonymous

Area E Committee

Minutes of  Meeting
Held: Monday, 4th January 2015 @ 7:30 PM

Chair – Steve C

Sam – Cremorne 6pm Friday
John – Thurs AM Narrabeen
Garry – Gordon mon Night
Rowena – Tues PM Seaforth, Dee Why B’fast
Anna – 7pm Thurs Dee Why
John Seaforth Tues PM
Michael – Fri Kirribilli
Steve Fri Kirribilli
Andrew Fri Kirribilli
Opened at  7:30pm
12 Traditions read by Garry
Previous Minutes
Moved: John
Seconded: Steve
PI Report (John):
  – material distributed
  • Garry has collected for Gordon
  • email, ben has spoken with pharmacies, requested electrinic data
  • dave dee why, following up 10 pharmacies he’s spoken to
  • (Gordon) had GC, pursuing chemists
  • advertising through Val Morgan, spoke to GSO, obtained contact with Val Morgan
  • have drop box email of new ads
  • Area G is currently doing movie advertising, discount rate available
  • Chinese lantern in Oct 2016, contacted person, said area E will do stand at this function, contact asked us to finalise booking attendance is 50% cantonese and 50% mandarin speakers; limited AA resources in Chinese languages, BB and 44 q’s. Sandra from Chatswood said there might be a Chinese speaking member. Sam may have a Chinese speaker that can attend.
Chairmans Report (Steve)
    • Fiji fundraising, charitable rate not available at Curl Curl Community Centre; funds required during Feb so March fundraiser has been cancelled in lieu of donations at meetings. Some members have been approached by Steve to read Fiji letter at end of meeting attended and receive donations. Also bank details available for members to contribute at a later time. Rowena feels letter is too long and needs to be paraphrased. Steve will produce paraphrased version of letter. Sam feels letter doesn’t paint the Church in a good light, if paraphrased Steve will leave this out
Treasurers report (Peter)
  • accounts at 4 Jan, only activity payment of 1st quarter levy of $670 of annual conference and $132 for printing costs of assembly; balance $5461.18
Delegates Report (Lachlan)
  • Timeliness of Fiji donations,
  • Start advertising AGM,
  • Do we have December minutes
Group liaison (Michael)
  • went to meetings and presented GSR pamphlet, well received by groups
  • lamination of pamphlet decided upon with preamble on reverse side
GSR Reports:
Sam – Cremorne 6pm Friday
  • had GC
  • interested in Fiji Donations
  • down to 6 members
  • Large meeting recently due to holidays
  • 30 members usual
John – Thurs AM Narrabeen
  • Tramshed under renovations, relocated to Long Reef Community Centre
Garry – Gordon Monday night
  • All is well
Rowena – Seaforth
  • no GC since last time
  • healthy attendance since word of rehab buses has got out
  • 20-30 member per night
  • Terry treasure keeps regular donation and keeps literature in hand
Rowena – Dee Why, Curl Curl B’fast Group
  • more structure now in group conscience
  • healthy balance
  • GC needed to decide where surplus funds to go, possibly Fiji
  • Harmonious group
Anna – 6pm Dee why
  • 6 members
  • self supporting
  • service centrelink with pamphlets
  • increased from 3 types to 5 types, 15 pamphlets taken, hence there is interest
Andrew – RTR Friday
  • All is well
General Business:
John – program for Fiji has been released, link now from, will we accept proxy votes for Area E AGM; proxy via alternate GSR available, Reminder that Office manager position available.
Steve – Area E positions for the next 2 years Drew interested in Chairman, Proxy vote from Rowena as she can’t attend; Nominated John B for delegate, Treasurer Peter G, Jess for secretary, Michael will stay as group liaison, now required – PI office, Alternate delegate.
John R – for Area E AGM, only GSR’s can vote or via proxy GSR
Steve – Next meeting Sat 6th Feb at Midday for AGM
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Unless you have been hibernating in a cave you would be aware that the AA Australasian Convention this year is being held in the lovely Suva, Fiji!

There is still time to register! You can check out the details on the website –

Its understandable that not everyone can travel all the way to Fiji this year so we are asking Groups to make a donation to support the cost of running the event and sponsoring local Fijian’s to attend.

Fiji has only 2 meetings a week with a population of almost 1 million people. There is a growing Alcohol problem in the community and AA desperately needs support to grow and spread the message to more suffering Fijian’s.

Time is running out so If you or your group can contribute please make a donation using the bank details below. All donations need to be in by the end of February to be effective.

Please make your donations to:

Bank Details

BSB  012 -270
ACC No  403 165 758
In Service, Fellowship and Unity
Lachlan B.



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Mark your calendars! – The next Area E meeting will be held on Monday, March the 7th @ 7:30pm in the NSCSO Kuringai Community Centre, Cnr Rosedale Ave & Porters Lane, St. Ives. We encourage all GSR’s or people interested in service to come along.

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AREA E Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2016.


Meeting held Saturday 6th February 2016 at 2:30pm.


Ku-ring-gai Community Groups Meeting Room, Corner of Mona Vale and Rosedale Road.

Chairman:             Steven C
Present:               John R, Ben B, Mary H, Sandra W, John B, Anna S, Peter J, Mike N, Martin G, Andrew I, Christopher H, Michael S, Peter G, Tony C.
Apologies:           Rowena (Seaforth),                   
Twelve Traditions:           Read by Rosemary (Fri Road to Recovery)

Previous AGM 2015 minutes:

Accepted: John R,
Seconded: Michael S.     – Carried.

Chairman’s Report:

Our monthly Area E meetings have been enthusiastically attended by a core of about 6 to 12 people.
We have held Area assemblies in June and September. A personal highlight for me was the presentation by the General Service Board of Australia which was very well received by those in attendance, although it has to be said the turnout was disappointing. We printed flyers that were handed out at meetings, informing local members of these upcoming events. The information was also available in The Link Letter.
The Committee has created the position of Group Liaison Officer, whose role it is to attend local AA Meetings, to inform members that it would be in their best interests to have a Group Service Representative Represent them at the monthly Area E meetings, to keep members informed of what is happening in their local area. Also a laminated information page has been produced regarding the position of GSR, and how through their Area Delegate, local group members are able to have a voice at a National level.  We have ongoing contact with local chemists promoting the AA 24 Hour telephone service. There is also a leaflet distribution initiative for local area noticeboards. Our finances are relatively healthy with approximately $6000 in the kitty. Our primary purpose is to carry the message to the still suffering Alcoholic and as a committee that is what we have tried to do.
I am grateful to everyone associated with Area E who have given their time and effort over the past 12 months. Though our efforts in trying to carry the message, may at times seem less than fruitful we cannot allow these seeming setbacks to deter us from being there for the still suffering Alcoholic as we trudge the road to happy destiny, Guided by The Sunlight of the Spirit.

In Service, Steven C.

Delegates Report: Lachlan B

I just wanted to say to everyone thank you for your support over the last 8 years of my service in Area E as secretary, alternate delegate and then delegate. It was truly an honour to be able to serve the members of Area E and an amazing journey where I got to meet many spiritually driven recovered AA’s dedicated to service. To save on space I will not attach the conference resolutions to the minutes. If people are interested in the resolutions and action items from the 2015 AA Australia conference they are available at the AA service website –

Alternate Delegates Report: John B

No report

Public Information Report: John B

Distribution of AA literature to Pharmacists
The distribution of AA literature to Pharmacists continued during the 2015 year. After the initial distribution mail out, follow up contact was made with a sample of the pharmacies. The response results varied; some positive and requesting more literature, others advising that they did not receive the material or due to shortage of space had not displayed it.
The results achieved were discussed at the Area E committee meeting and it was agreed to seek the assistance of GSRs and their home groups to participate in the ongoing distribution of literature to Pharmacists. Presently, GSRs from Chatswood, Cremorne, Dee Why, Epping, Gordon and Ryde are assisting with this project. Currently feedback is being sought from the Pharmacists, one request received is for the delivery of AA material in an electronic format.
Group initiative – Distribution of AA literature to Centrelink
An initiative of a group is the distribution of literature to the Centrelink office at Brookvale, NSW, with follow up visits on a 4 weekly basis. Details of the literature provided and usage is set out in the table below provided by the GSR.

AA Advertising in local cinemas
A suggestion supported by the Area E committee is an evaluation of screening AA advertisements in local cinemas. Recently the General Service Office provided access to the ads available and quotes have been obtained from Val Morgan Advertising. Whilst this information has been circulated, it will be a matter for the incoming committee to consider.

Other activities
Other Area E activities have included distribution of material to local council and community notice boards, hosting a stand at the Willoughby Council Outreach Day, inviting members of the fellowship to assist Area G host a stand at the 2015 Doctors Conference, committing to host a stand at the 2016 Lantern Night Festival at Cherrybrook on 22 October 2016 and following up interested contacts.
A project being undertaken at present in conjunction with the NSCSO office manager is to identify, within Area E, where and how the AA message can be availed of by the public and how to keep this information up to date. Information in relation to councils in Area E has been researched and opportunities will be identified within the community that Area E, the NSCSO, groups and members may be attracted to engage in service.
I thank the Area E committee, GSRs and members for their support. My thanks also to the NSCSO committee together with the office volunteers for supporting the Area E PI activities, providing literature and posters, preparing packs for the Pharmacy project and doing the mail outs.
Yours in service,
John B

Treasurer Report: Peter G

Income & Expenditure Statement for the Period

7th February 2015 to 6th February 2016

Opening Balance as of 07/02/2015 $6,842.98
Add Income
Contributions from Groups $3,463.00
Less Expenses
Conference Levies $2,620.00
2015 (2nd, 3rd & 4th) $1,950.00
Venue Hire (Tramshed) $283.50
AGM 2015 $194.65
Area Assembly $124.15
Printing $422.50
Donations – General Service Office $1,000.00
Account Balance as at 6th February 2016 $5,661.18


Secretary Report: Jessica B

No Report.

Group Liaison Report: Michael S

A pamphlet was produced to help educate group on the role of the GSR and the service structure. The pamphlet also has the preamble on the reverse side and it has now been laminated so it can be placed in at group meeting were noticeable. I have been distributing it at a few meeting with a positive response.
Also the Area e committee have agreed to each one to take at least 10 laminated pamphlets to meeting nearer to the residence as to insure that all off the meetings in Area E will get one.

Kind regards
Michael S

Committee Position Elections:

Service Position                               Outgoing Officer                              Incoming Officer
Chairman                                              Steve C                                    Andrew I
Delegate                                               Lachlan B                                 John B
Alt Delegate                                          John B                                      Anna S
Secretary                                             Jessica B                                   Vacant
Public Information                                 John B                                      Vacant

General Business
John R asked Tony C to give an update on Fiji.
Over 100 registrations. (Approaching breakeven point). Some registrations trickling in. Al-anon will be participating. Registrations on the website.
John R – Reinforce Fundraising for Fiji. Read AA Around Australia.

The meeting finished at 3:30pm with the Serenity Prayer.

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Alcoholics Anonymous

Area E Committee

Minutes of a Meeting
Held: Friday, 4th December 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Chairman:            Steve C – Kirribilli Friday – 7:30pm

Present:                Peter G – North Sydney Monday 7.30pm
Michael- Road to Recovery
Steve- Road to Recovery
Rowena – Seaforth Tuesday 700pm
Anna – Dee Why Thursday 7.00pm
Mike- Road to Recovery
John- Seaforth Tuesday 7pm
John R – Narrabeen Thursday AM
Ben – Epping Monday 8.00pm
Gary- Gordon Monday night
Drew- Road to Recovery

Lachlan B, Sam, Mary H

Meeting opened at 7:30 PM

12 Traditions of AA were read by Michael

Previous Minutes
Motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted:
Moved:  Steve
Seconded:  Peter

PI Report – John B
Ben has 5 packages for chemists and three have been handed out to local pharmacy’s. One Pharmacy is very interested to work with AA and would like AA literature to be emailed in order to display on a computer screen. Will check with national PI person about PDF’s for AA. Also the AA pamphlets for teenagers have been very popular. AA can have an advertisement in the cinema (in Area E) through Val Morgan for a very good price, the AA advertisement is already made so all that is needed is too look into the price, John will report on this at the next meeting.  AA having a stall at the Frances greenway Park Cherrybrook lantern night on the 22nd of October 2016 (Manganese and Cantonese speaking AA’s would be needed). AA posters are displayed on the Northern Sydney noticeboards for mid December for the next 6 weeks.

Chairman’s Report – Steve C
Fundraiser for the AA Fiji convention, booked the North Curl Curl community centre for Saturday 5th of March. Spoken to an AA member who has offered to DJ and provide music, laser machine and smoke machine. Would like to get the fundraiser organized by the end of year so we would have a full two months to advertise. Also would like to organize a raffle, some prizes have already been donated. Hopefully we will get a discount on room hire at Curl Curl, which will be booked from 2pm to midnight. Considering having a theme for the night, possibly beach a dress up. Drew will handle the flyer for the fundraiser.

Treasurer’s Report – Peter

CSO is up to date with contributions back in line with how contributions where around last year. Paid Steve for Narrabeen tram shed hire.
Accounts tabled showing activity to 4th December. Account balance is $6,263.18
There are no outstanding accounts.

Delegate’s Report – Lachlan B
No report.

Alternative Delegate’s Report – John B
No report

Group Liaison’s Report – Michael
Has made up a brochure to advertise the role of a GSR which can be taken around to AA meetings, would like to distribute them around to meetings in Area E. We can also distribute electronically, Jess will send out via Mailchimp.

Group GSR Reports
Gary- Gordon well run meetings with a wide range of sobriety, run along traditional lines, has a greeter ect. Meeting has a group conscience every three months.
Rowena- Seaforth Tuesday night, last group conscience had 4 members, south pacific has started bringing a bus load of newcomers there, trying to get support form older sober members to support the newcomers, over $1900 in the bank and will donate $600 to St Ives. Vote to change time from 7pm to 8pm but was not passed.
The Saturday morning Curl Curl meeting (previously Dee Why meeting), is very strong getting around 50-60 people on the Saturday and 30 during the week, has a group conscience last Friday of every month, donating $1500 to Fiji convention. Group voted to give away big books to newcomers. Group has a greeter, will have small gifts on Christmas.
Drew- road to recovery, meeting going well 10th of December steering group meeting to discuss service position rotations, membership on Friday is down but steady. Tuesday lots of people but not too many group members. Good contributions.
Anna- Thursday 7pm Dee Why 22 people on average coming, with 4 members. The group has been putting AA pamphlets in the Centerlink office in Dee Why, AA for teenagers is very popular, the others not so much Group conscience next week, and service positions rotating.

General Business
Peter – Crows Nest requires a new secretary, Gary with 26 years sober has agreed to take on the position.
John- would like to have the response from AA brochures monitored for level of success.
Money for Fiji- Peter moves to donate $1000 to Fiji convention, Jess seconded. Decided to re discuss at
next Area E meeting.
General discussion on the fundraiser and ticketing situation. Price of admission, to be decided once the budget of the fundraiser has been worked out.
Will try to get out the flyer for the Fiji fundraiser as soon as possible and also try and organize online ticket sales for the event.
The meeting finished at 8:54PM with the Serenity Prayer.

Next Meeting
Monday 4th January at St Ives – 7.30pm